and the ticket winner is....
Winning Ticket! #709536
We have a winner! Congratulations to Nancy H!
We have a winner! Congratulations to Nancy H!
Best sandwiches
#MadeintheozarksWe feature over 30 vendors from all around the Ozarks. We have your next gift or special something for your home. Check out the Vendors page to see the whole list of locals we host.
Come check out our events!We host various events throughout the year for young and old and everyone in between.
The Annual Frog Jumping and Watermelon Seed Spitting Contests to the Food Truck Tuesdays and Bluegrass Jams there's something for everyone to enjoy. To see all our events, check out the Events page or for a more detailed look by-the-month, check out the monthly Calendar. |
We are approximately 5 miles east of the 65 Bypass/Sunshine exit.
When you travel East on Sunshine (becoming D Highway in the county), look for the intersection of J Highway. We are immediately East of this intersection. Our turnoff is Farm Road 146/148. ADDRESS: 6484 East Farm Road 148 Turners, Missouri 65765 MONDAY to THURSDAY 7am - 6pm FRIDAY 7am - 3pm SATURDAY 8am - 3pm SUNDAY & FEDERAL HOLIDAYS Closed Open to the end of all events |
Parking is limited so please, NO unattended vehicles.
The store building is also the family home.
Unless we have booked private reservations for these times, the store, parking lots, and grounds are CLOSED on Sundays, holidays, and after hours so that we may spend quiet time as a family. Thanks for understanding that we try to balance family and business and we look forward to seeing you during regular business hours.
The store building is also the family home.
Unless we have booked private reservations for these times, the store, parking lots, and grounds are CLOSED on Sundays, holidays, and after hours so that we may spend quiet time as a family. Thanks for understanding that we try to balance family and business and we look forward to seeing you during regular business hours.